Step 5 - Adding our 'Routes', Part 2 ('addDonation', 'deleteDonation' & 'incrementUpvotes')

Before we go any further, here's the missing code from the previous step

function getByValue(arr, id) {

    var result  = arr.filter(function(o){return == id;} );

    return result ? result[0] : null; // or undefined

Recall our routes, described as follows:

  • GET /donations - return a list of donations and associated metadata
  • GET /donations/:id - return an individual donation with associated metadata
  • POST /donations - create a new donation
  • PUT /donations/:id/upvote - upvote a donation, notice we use the donation ID in the URL
  • DELETE /donations/:id - delete a donation by ID

We've already implemented the first two, so now let's have a go at

  • Adding a new donation
  • Deleting a donation and
  • 'Upvoting' a donation

Creating Our 'Add' Route - 'addDonation'

Similar to the previous step, we start by creating a function (addDonation) for adding a single donation in our routes/donations.js file

router.addDonation = function(req, res) {
    //Add a new donation to our list
    var id = Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000000) + 1); //Randomly generate an id
    // parameters to store
    // id (for id)
    // req.body.paymenttype (for paymenttype)
    // req.body.amount (for amount)
    // 0 (for upvotes)
    var currentSize = donations.length;

    donations.push(/*add the relevant code here*/);

    if((currentSize + 1) == donations.length)
        res.json({ message: 'Donation Added!'});
        res.json({ message: 'Donation NOT Added!'});

Notice we only return a json message confirming (or Not) we've added the donation.

Next, inside our app.js we need to define the actual route which will trigger the above function so keeping in mind the route is /donations with a POST request, see can you make the necessary additions?

Testing Our 'Add' Route

Now that we have a POST 'service' in our RESTful APi, let's test it via our REST Client.

The Request

We need to fill in the Request Body for our POST

POSTing donation data in JSON format


The Response

GET all donations again to confirm

Creating Our 'Upvote' Route - 'incrementVotes'

Here's what we need to implement the 'Upvote' route


router.incrementUpvotes = function(req, res) {
    //Add 1 to upvotes property of the selected donation based on its id
    var donation = getByValue(donations,;
    donation.upvotes += 1;


app.put('/donations/:id/votes', donations.incrementUpvotes);

Testing Our 'Upvote' Route

Now that we have a PUT 'service' in our RESTful APi, let's test it via our REST Client.

The Request

UPDATEing donation votes with id '941345'


The Response

Creating Our 'Delete' Route - 'deleteDonation'

Again, we start with the function in our routes/donations.js file

router.deleteDonation = function(req, res) {
    //Delete the selected donation based on its id
    var donation = getByValue(donations,;
    var index = donations.indexOf(donation);

    var currentSize = donations.length;
    donations.splice(index, 1);

    if((currentSize - 1) == donations.length)
        res.json({ message: 'Donation Deleted!'});
        res.json({ message: 'Donation NOT Deleted!'});

and update our app.js accordingly

app.delete('/donations/:id', donations.deleteDonation);

Notice we are using our own 'lookup' function to find a particular donation but be sure you understand how it works....

Testing Our 'Delete' Route

Now that we have a DELETE 'service' in our RESTful APi, let's test it via our REST Client.

The Request

DELETEing donation with id '1000001'


The Response

A quick GET all to confirm

All Done!