Step 5 - Modifying our 'Routes', Part 2 ( 'addDonation', 'deleteDonation' & 'incrementVotes' )

Modifying Our Third Route - 'Add a Donation'

Again, edit your routes/donations.js file and navigate to your existing 'addDonation' function.

And replace it with the following :

router.addDonation = function(req, res) {

    var donation = new Donation();

    donation.paymenttype = req.body.paymenttype;
    donation.amount = req.body.amount;

    console.log('Adding donation: ' + JSON.stringify(donation));

    // Save the donation and check for errors {
    if (err)

      res.json({ message: 'Donation Added!', data: donation });

There's a bit more going on here, so make sure you understand the general jist of how this works. (But I'll explain in the labs anyway)

You may need to restart your server but if everything goes to plan, you should now be able to store and retrieve 'donations' from your mongodb database.

Let's test our addDonation using WebStorms REST Client (like before)

Testing Our 'Add' Route

The Request

We need to fill in the Request Body for our POST

POSTing donation data in JSON format

{ "paymenttype":"Direct","amount":500 }

The Response

GET all donations again to confirm

Modifying Our Fourth Route - 'Delete a Donation'

Edit your routes/donations.js file and navigate to your existing 'deleteDonation' function.

Now, replace it with the following :

router.deleteDonation = function(req, res) {

    Donation.findByIdAndRemove(, function(err) {
        if (err)
            res.json({ message: 'Donation Deleted!'});

Notice how we use the Mongoose 'findByIdAndRemove' function to retrieve and delete the object from the 'Model'.

Testing Our 'Delete' Route

DELETEing donation with id '566594b787282d5d60eedc23'


The Request

The Response

GET all donations again to confirm

Modifying Our Fifth (and final) Route - 'Increment Votes'

Again, edit your routes/donations.js file and navigate to your existing 'incrementVotes' function.

And replace it with the following :

router.incrementUpvotes = function(req, res) {

    Donation.findById(, function(err,donation) {
        if (err)
        else {
            donation.upvotes += 1;
   (err) {
                if (err)
                res.json({ message: 'Donation Upvoted!', data: donation });

Like last time, there's a bit more going on here, so make sure you understand the general jist of how this works. (But I'll explain in the labs if necessary?)

You may need to restart your server but if everything goes to plan, you might now be able to delete and 'upvote' donations from your mongodb database.

Testing Our 'UpVote' Route

PUTing (or updating) donation with id '566593d087282d5d60eedc22'


The Request

The Response



GET all donations again to confirm the update